Danske Engelsk
Indra Indra
Indre Indre
Indre Mongoliet Inner Mongolia
Indre produkt Inner product space
indre vandvej inland water
Indre-et-Loire Indre-et-Loire
Indretning Gear
indrette adapt
Indri Indri
Indrier Indriidae
indsamle accrue
indsamling collection
indsigelse objection
Indsættelsessortering Insertion sort
Indtastningsenhed Human interface device
indtil till
indtræffe happen
indtægt income
Induktion Inductive reasoning
Indus Indus River
Indus-Gangessletten Indo-Gangetic Plain
Induskulturen Indus Valley Civilization
industri industry
industri for ikke-jernholdige metaller non-ferrous metal industry
industriaffald industrial waste
Industrial Industrial music
Industrial metal Industrial metal
Industrial Workers of the World Industrial Workers of the World
industrialisering industrialisation
industrianlæg industrial installation
industribygning industrial building
industridepot industrial dumping
industriel aktivitet industrial activity
industriel produktion industrial manufacturing
industriel spildgas industrial waste gas
industriel udvikling industrial development
industrielt spildevand industrial effluent
industrien industrial economics
industriens indvirkning på miljøet environmental impact of industry
industrigrund industrial site
industrilovgivning industrial legislation
industrimateriale industrial material
industrimiljø industrial environment
industrimiljøpolitik industrial environmental policy
industriområde industrial area
industriplanlægning industrial planning
industriplante industrial crop
industripolitik industrial policy
industriprocesser industrial process
industriprodukt industrial product
industriproduktion industrial production
industrisamfund industrial society
industrisammenslutning industrial association
industrislam industrial sludge
industrispildevand industrial waste water
industristruktur industrial structure
industristøj industrial noise
Indviklet Tricky
indviklethed complexity
indvillige acquiesce
Indvilligel Chord
indvirkning på beskæftigelsesniveauet employment level effect
Indymedia Independent Media Center
inert affald inert waste
inert destruktion inertisation
Inerti Inertia
Inertialsystem Inertial frame of reference
Inertimoment Inertia moment
INF-aftalen Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
Infanteri Infantry
Infantofili Nepiophilia
infektion infection
infektionssygdom infectious disease
infiltration infiltration
Infinitesimalregning Calculus
Infinitesimalregningens hovedsætning Fundamental theorem of calculus
Infinitiv Infinitive
Infinity On High Infinity on High
inflation inflation
influensa influenza
Influenza Influenza
information information
informationsbehandling information processing
informationscenter information centre
informationsclearingcentral information clearing-house
informationsinfrastruktur information infrastructure
informationskilde information source
informationsnet information network
informationsoverførsel information transfer
informationssystem information system
informationsteknologi information technology
informationstjeneste information service
informationsudveksling information exchange
Informationsvidenskab Library and information science
Informere Gen up
infraktion infraction
infralyd infrasound
infrarød stråling infrared radiation
infrastruktur infrastructure
ING Groep ING Group
Inge Bårdsson Inge II of Norway
Inge Krokrygg Inge I of Norway
Ingeborg Finnsdatter Ingibiorg Finnsdottir
ingefær ginger
Ingefær-familien Zingiberaceae
Ingefær-ordenen Zingiberales
ingefærøl ginger beer
Ingemar Johansson Ingemar Johansson
ingen nobody
ingen regel uden undtagelse there is an exception to every rule
Ingen sand skotte No true Scotsman
ingen årsag you're welcome
Ingeniør Engineer
Ingeniør Wolf Frank Wolff
ingeniørarbejde engineering
Ingeniørfag Engineering
Ingeniørvidenskab Engineering
ingenting nothing
Ingmar Bergman Ingmar Bergman
Ingolstadt Ingolstadt
Ingrid Bergman Ingrid Bergman
Ingusjetere Ingush people
Ingusjien Ingushetia
Ingvar Kamprad Ingvar Kamprad
Inhibitor Reaction inhibitor
Inigo Jones Inigo Jones
Initial Head letter
initiativløs feckless
Injektiv Injective function
Inka Inca Empire
Inkariget Inca Empire
Inkvisition Inquisition
Inlandsbanan Inlandsbanan
Inline speed skating Inline speed skating
Inlinehockey Inline hockey
Inmarsat International Mobile Satellite Organization
Innere Stadt Innere Stadt
Inno e Marcia Pontificale Inno e Marcia Pontificale
Innocens III Pope Innocent III
innovation innovation
Innsbruck Innsbruck
Ino Ino
insekt insect
insekter insect
insekticid insecticide
insektlære entomology
insektædere insectivore
inspektion inspection
inspektion af bogføring inspection of records
Inspiration Inspired idea
Installationskunst Plant
Institut Institute
Institution Institution
institutionalisering institutionalisation
institutionel struktur institutional structure
institutionel virksomhed institutional activity
Instruktør Film director
instrumentering instrumentation
instrumentindustri instrument manufacture
Insulated gate bipolar transistor Insulated-gate bipolar transistor
insulin insulin
Intarsia Intarsia
Integralregning Integral
Integration Integration
integreret forureningsbekæmpelse integrated pollution control
Integreret kredsløb Integrated circuit
integreret skadedyrsbekæmpelse integrated pest control
integreret styring integrated management
integreret teknologi til miljøbeskyttelse integrated environmental protection technology
Intel Intel Corporation
Intel VIIV Intel Viiv
intelligens intelligence
Intelligenskvotient Intelligence quotient
intelligent sapient
Intelligente transportsystemer Intelligent transportation system
intensiv kvægavl factory farming
intensivt landbrug intensive farming
InterCityExpress InterCityExpress
Intercontinental Cup Intercontinental Cup
interessant interesting
interesse interest
interesseafvejning balancing of interests
interessegruppe interest group
interessekonflikt conflict of interests
Interferens Interference
interimsbeslutning interim decision
Interkontinentalt ballistisk missil Intercontinental ballistic missile
Interlaken Interlaken
interlingua Interlingua
intermitterende støj intermittent noise
Intermolekylær Intermolecular force
internalisering af eksterne omkostninger internalisation of external costs
international aftale international agreement
International Air Transport Association International Air Transport Association
international arbejdsdeling international division of labour
International Baccalaureate International Baccalaureate
International Baccalaureate Organization International Baccalaureate Organization
international balance international balance
international bistand international assistance
International Civil Aviation Organisation International Civil Aviation Organization
International Code of Botanical Nomenclature International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
International Electrotechnical Commission International Electrotechnical Commission
International Folkebåd IF-boat
international fordeling international distribution
International Handball Federation International Handball Federation
international handel international trade
international harmonisering international harmonisation
international konflikt international conflict
international konkurrencedygtighed international competitiveness
international konvention global convention
International Labour Organization International Labour Organization
International Maritime Organization International Maritime Organization
International Mineralogical Association International Mineralogical Association
international offentlig ret public international law
international organisation international organisation