Danske Engelsk
Lars Bak Lars Bak
Lars Ulrich Lars Ulrich
Lars von Trier Lars von Trier
Lars-Emil Johansen Lars Emil Johansen
larve caterpillar
Larvik Larvik
Laryngal Laryngeal theory
Las Meninas Las Meninas
Las Navas de Tolosa Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Las Vegas Las Vegas
Las Vegas Strip Las Vegas Strip
Las Vegas Wranglers Las Vegas Wranglers
Lascaux-hulerne Lascaux
laser laser
Laser og pjalter The Threepenny Opera
Laser-tv Laser TV
Laserdiode-projektor Laser TV
Laserkøling Laser cooling
Lasius Lasius
last vice
lastbil truck
lastbilchauffør truck driver
Laterantraktaten Lateran Treaty
latin Latin
Latin jazz Latin Jazz
Latina Province of Latina
Latinamerika Latin America
Latino Latino
Latino pop Latin pop
latinsk Latin
Latinske alfabet Latin alphabet
Latinske møntunion Latin Monetary Union
Latinske ord og vendinger List of Latin phrases
Latinus Latinus
Latkes Potato pancakes
Lats Latvian lats
Latter Laughter
Latterfrø Marsh Frog
Laura Laura
Laura Esquivel Laura Esquivel
Laura Ingalls Wilder Laura Ingalls Wilder
Laura Prepon Laura Prepon
Laura Welch Bush Laura Bush
Laurasien Laurasia
Laurbær-familien Lauraceae
Laurbær-Kirsebær Cherry-laurel
Laurbær-ordenen Laurales
Lauren Bacall Lauren Bacall
Lauren Graham Lauren Graham
Laurence Olivier Laurence Olivier
Laurent Fabius Laurent Fabius
Laurent Jalabert Laurent Jalabert
Laurent Kabila Laurent-Désiré Kabila
Lausanne Lausanne
Lausitz Lusatia
Lav Base
lava lava
lavandel lavender
Lavangen Lavangen
lave et kort chart
lavendel lavender
lavenergipære compact fluorescent lamp
laver lichen
lavine avalanche
Lavlandstapir Brazilian Tapir
lavniveauteknologi low-level technology
Lavrentij Pavlovitj Berija Lavrentiy Beria
lavskov coppice
Lavvand House by the River
Lawrence Alma-Tadema Lawrence Alma-Tadema
Lawrence Ferlinghetti Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Lawrence of Arabia T. E. Lawrence
lawrencium lawrencium
Layout Layout
Lazar Lazar of Serbia
Lazio Lazio
LCD Liquid crystal display
le laugh
Le Barroux Le Barroux
Le Corbusier Le Corbusier
Le Figaro Le Figaro
Le Havre Le Havre
Le Mans Le Mans
Lea Leah
Leadbelly Lead Belly
Leaellynasaura amicagraphica Leaellynasaura
LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes
Leasing Investment tax credit
lebbe dyke
Lebesby Lebesby
Leblon Leblon
Lecce Lecce
Lech Kaczyński Lech Kaczyński
Lech Wałęsa Lech Wałęsa
Lechfeldslaget Battle of Lechfeld
Lecythidaceae Lecythidaceae
Led Joint
led i fødekæden trophic level
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin
Leda Leda
leddegigt arthritis
leddyr arthropod
Ledelse Lead
ledelsesmetode management technique
Ledetal Guide number
Ledetone Leading-tone
ledig vacant
Leding Leidang
Ledning Lead
ledningsevne conductivity
Ledorme Annelid
Ledøje-Smørum Kommune Ledøje-Smørum
Lee Child Lee Child
Lee De Forest Lee De Forest
Lee Harvey Oswald Lee Harvey Oswald
Lee Hazlewood Lee Hazlewood
Lee Kuan Yew Lee Kuan Yew
Lee-Enfield Lee-Enfield
Leeds Leeds
Leeds and Liverpool-kanalen Leeds and Liverpool Canal
Leet Leet
Leeuwarden Leeuwarden
leg play
Legacy of Kings Legacy of Kings
legehus Wendy house
Legeme Field
legemliggørelse embodiment
legering alloy
Legetøj Toy
Legetøjssymfonien Toy Symphony
Legion Roman legion
Legionella Legionella
Legionærsyge Legionellosis
Legitimation Identity document
Legolas Legolas
Leguan Green Iguana
Lehrte Lehrte
Leia Organa Princess Leia Organa
Leicester Leicester
Leiden Leiden
Leif den Lykkelige Leif Ericson
Leikanger Leikanger
Leila Khaled Leila Khaled
Leine Leine
Leinster Leinster
Leipzig Leipzig
Leirfjord Leirfjord
Leisure Suit Larry Leisure Suit Larry
Leixlip Leixlip
leje couch
Lejekontrakt Rental contract
Lejemord Hired killer
Lejesoldat Mercenary
lejlighed apartment
lejlighedskompleks apartment block
Lejliøed Apartment
lejr campsite
Lejre Kommune Lejre
Lejrekrøniken Chronicon Lethrense
Lek Albanian lek
leksikon encyclopedia
lem trapdoor
Lemgo Lemgo
Lemming Norway lemming
Lemnos Lemnos
Lemony Snicket Daniel Handler
Lemvig Kommune Lemvig
Lenape Lenape
Lendmann Lendmann
Lene Lene
Lene Nystrøm Lene
Lene Vestergaard Hau Lene Hau
Leni Riefenstahl Leni Riefenstahl
Lennart Torstenson Lennart Torstenson
Lenny Leonard Lenny Leonard
Lensmand Lord
Lenvik Lenvik
Leo Leo
Leo Fender Leo Fender
Leo Kanner Leo Kanner
Leonard Lénárd
Leonard Bernstein Leonard Bernstein
Leonard Bloomfield Leonard Bloomfield
Leonard Cohen Leonard Cohen
Leonard Percival Howell Leonard Howell
Leonardo da Pisa Fibonacci
Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo DiCaprio Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo Duque Leonardo Duque
Leonhard Euler Leonhard Euler
Leonid Bresjnev Leonid Brezhnev
Leonid Kuchma Leonid Kuchma
Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal Leonid Roshal
Leonidas Leonidas I
Leonora Christina Ulfeldt Leonora Christina
Leopard Leopard
Leoparden The Leopard
Leopardskildpadde Leopard Tortoise
Leopold Auenbrugger Leopold Auenbrugger
Leopold Kronecker Leopold Kronecker
Leopold Mozart Leopold Mozart
Leopold von Ranke Leopold von Ranke
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
Leopoldbjerget Leopoldsberg
Leopoldstadt Leopoldstadt
Leoš Janácek Leoš Janáček
Lepanto Battle of Lepanto
Lepidoptera lepidopteran