Danske Engelsk
Lester Young Lester Young
let light
let på tråden easy
Letgallen Latgale
Letgallisk Latgalian language
lethed easiness
Letland Latvia
Letlands distrikter Districts of Latvia
Letlands flag Flag of Latvia
Letlands nationalvåben Coat of arms of Latvia
Leto Leto
lettere sagt end gjort easier said than done
lettisk Latvian
Letweltervægt Class
Letzigrund Letzigrund
leukæmi leukaemia
Leuven Louvain
Lev Bulgarian lev
Lev Tolstoj Leo Tolstoy
Lev Trotskij Leon Trotsky
Lev Vygotskij Lev Vygotsky
Levanger Levanger
Levante UD Levante UD
Levanzo Levanzo
leve live
leve sammen med shack
Levende rollespil Live action role-playing game
lever liver
leverandør vendor
Leverkusen Leverkusen
Leverpostej Leverpostej
Leverurt-familien Parnassiaceae
levestandard living standard
levested habitat
levevilkår living condition
Levi Strauss Levi Strauss
Leviathan Leviathan
Levit Levite
levnedsmiddel foodstuff
levnedsmiddeladditiv food additive
levnedsmiddelhygiejne food hygiene
levnedsmiddelindustri food industry
levnedsmiddelteknologi food technology
levnedsmiddelvidenskab food science
levnedsmidler food
levnedsmidlers kvalitet food quality
Levy Mwanawasa Levy Mwanawasa
Lewis Lewis
Lewis Carroll Lewis Carroll
Lewis chessmen Lewis chessmen
Lewis og Clark-ekspeditionen Lewis and Clark Expedition
Lewis Wallace Lew Wallace
Lex Luger Lex Luger
Leó Szilárd Leó Szilárd
Lhasa Lhasa
Lhasa Apso Lhasa Apso
Lhotse Lhotse
Li Li
Li Bai Li Bai
Liam Gallagher Liam Gallagher
Liam Neeson Liam Neeson
Lian Hearn Gillian Rubinstein
Liaoning Liaoning
Libanon Lebanon
Libanons nationalvåben Coat of arms of Lebanon
Libc C standard library
Liber Abaci Liber Abaci
Liber Linteus Liber Linteus
Liber Pontificalis Liber Pontificalis
Liberal Liberal
Liberal Democrats Liberal Democrats
Liberal Katolsk Kirke Liberal Catholic Church
Liberal Party of Australia Liberal Party of Australia
Liberalism Liberalism
liberalisme liberalism
Liberalteologi Liberal Christianity
Liberec Liberec
Liberia Liberia
Liberty City Liberty City
Liberty Island Liberty Island
Liberty-skib Liberty ship
Libretto Libretto
Libreville Libreville
Libyen Libya
Libèria Liberia
Licence Renewed Licence Renewed
Licence to Kill Licence to Kill
licensprocedure licencing procedure
Licinius Licinius
liden small
Liden Nælde Urtica urens
Liden Singrøn Vinca minor
Lidice Lidice
Lidskjalv Hlidskjalf
lidt awhile
lidt efter lidt bit by bit
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
Lied Aria
Lied der Deutschen Deutschlandlied
Liepāja Liepāja
Liepājas distrikt Liepāja District
Lierne Lierne
Liesing Liesing
Life Life
Life in Cartoon Motion Life in Cartoon Motion
Life Is Peachy Life Is Peachy
Life on the Murder Scene Life on the Murder Scene
Life Thru A Lens Life thru a Lens
Lifehack Life hack
Liffey River Liffey
liflig delicious
lig corpse
Ligase Ligase
lige dead
lige nu right now
Lige og ulige tal Parity
Lige så meget All the less
lige ved og næsten slår ingen mand af hesten close, but no cigar
ligegyldigt whatever
ligesidet trekant equilateral triangle
Ligesom As
Ligestilling Square
ligeså too
ligevægt equilibrium
ligge lie
lighed similarity
Lighter Lighter
Lightning Lightning
LightScribe LightScribe
Lighttpd Lighttpd
ligkiste coffin
Ligklædet i Torino Shroud of Turin
ligne resemble
lignelse simile
lignende similar
ligning equation
Liguria Liguria
Lijepa nasa domovino Lijepa naša domovino
Likert-skala Likert scale
Likud Likud
Likør Liqueur
Lil Jon Lil Jon
Lili Marleen Lili Marleen
Lilian Jégou Lilian Jégou
Lilian Thuram Lilian Thuram
Lilith Lilith
Liliuokalani Liliuokalani
lilje fleur-de-lis
Lilje-familien Liliaceae
Lilje-ordenen Liliales
Liljekonval Lily of the Valley
Liljekonval-slægten Convallaria
Lill-Babs Lill-Babs
lilla purple
lille small
Lille Bjørn Ursa Minor
Lille fregatfugl Lesser Frigatebird
Lille Hund Canis Minor
Lille Japankvæde Chaenomeles
Lille kjove Long-tailed Skua
Lille Løve Leo Minor
Lille næbhval Pygmy Beaked Whale
Lille Peter Edderkop Itsy Bitsy Spider
lille regnspove whimbrel
Lille Singrøn Vinca minor
Lille skestork Black-faced Spoonbill
Lille sorte Sambo Little Black Sambo
Lille Splint Le Petit Spirou
Lille stormsvale European Storm-petrel
Lille Stygge Ulv Lil Bad Wolf
Lille Søslange Hydrus
Lille tønde Barrel
Lille vandsalamander Smooth Newt
Lillebæltsbroen Little Belt Bridge
lillefinger little finger
Lillehammer Lillehammer
Lillehjerne Cerebellum
Lillesand Lillesand
Lillestrøm Sportsklubb Lillestrøm SK
Lilongwe Lilongwe
Lily Potter James and Lily Potter
lim glue
Lima Lima
Limbažis distrikt Limbaži District
Limburg Limburg
Limequat Kumquat
Limerick Limerick
Limfjorden Limfjord
Liminalfase Liminality
limnologi limnology
Limnos Lemnos
Limoges Limoges
Limonade Lemonade
Limousin Limousin
Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit
Limpopo Limpopo
Lincoln Lincoln
Lind Tilia
Linda Hamilton Linda Hamilton
Linda og Valentin Valérian and Laureline
Lindau Lindau
Linde-familien Tilioideae
Lindesberg Lindesberg
Lindesnes kommune Lindesnes
Lindevang Station Lindevang station
Lindisfarne Lindisfarne
Lindsay Lohan Lindsay Lohan
Lindås Lindås
Line Line
Line dance Line dance
Line Rider Line Rider
lineal ruler
Linear A Linear A
Linear B Linear B
Lineær algebra Linear algebra
lineær lydkilde linear source of sound
Lineær Partiel Information Linear Partial Information