Danske Engelsk
Nemesis Nemesis
Nemunas Neman River
Nenad Bogdanović Nenad Bogdanović
Nenagh Nenagh
Neo-Geo Neo Geo
Neo-klassisk metal Neo-classical metal
neodym neodymium
Neofunktionalisme Neofunctionalism
Neogen Neogene
neologisme neologism
neon neon
Neon Genesis Evangelion Neon Genesis Evangelion
Neoplatonisme Neoplatonism
Neopragmatisme Neopragmatism
Nepal Nepal
Nepal Airlines Nepal Airlines
nepalesisk Nepali
Nepalesisk rupee Nepalese rupee
Nepals flag Flag of Nepal
Nepals kommunistiske parti Communist Party of Nepal
Nepalsk Nepalese
Neper Neper
Nephthys Nephthys
nepotisme nepotism
Neptun Neptune
neptunium neptunium
Nereid Nereid
Nereide Nereids
Nereis Nereis
Nereus Nereus
Nergal Nergal
Neris Neris
Nero Nero
Nero-befalingen Nero Decree
Nerthus Nerthus
Nerva Nerva
nervesystem nervous system
Nervesystemet Nervous system
nervøs tvangsspisning binge eating disorder
Nesavisimaja Gaseta Nezavisimaya Gazeta
Nesna Nesna
Nesodden Nesodden
Nessebar Nesebar
Nesseby Unjárga
Nesset Nesset
Nessun dorma Nessun dorma
Nestlé Nestlé
Nestor Nestor
Netanya Netanya
Netbank Online banking
Netdating Online dating service
Netkort Adapter
netmave reticulum
Nettet Reticulum
netting-politik netting policy
Netudstyr Computer networking device
Netværk bridge Bridge
Netværkseffekt Network effect
Network Address Translation Network address translation
Neubau Neubau
Neubrandenburg Neubrandenburg
Neuengamme Neuengamme
Neukölln Neukölln
Neumünster Neumünster
Neunkirchen-Seelscheid Neunkirchen-Seelscheid
Neuralt netvark Artificial neural network
Neuralt netværk Artificial neural network
Neuro Lingvistisk Programmering Neuro-linguistic programming
Neurolingvistisk Programmering Neuro-linguistic programming
Neuromedicin Neurology
Neuron Neuron
neurotoksicitet neurotoxicity
Neurotransmitter Neurotransmitter
Neuss Neuss
Neustrien Neustria
neutralisering neutralisation
neutrino neutrino
Neutron Neutron
Neutronstjerne Neutron star
Neuwied Neuwied
Neva Neva River
Nevada Nevada
Nevado Sajama Nevado Sajama
Never Say Never Again Never Say Never Again
Nevers Nevers
Neville Chamberlain Neville Chamberlain
Neville Longbottom Neville Longbottom
nevø nephew
New age New Age
New Amsterdam New Amsterdam
New Britain New Britain
New Brunswick New Brunswick
New Deal New Deal
New Delhi New Delhi
New England New England
New England Journal of Medicine New England Journal of Medicine
New England Patriots New England Patriots
New Forest-pony New Forest pony
New Hampshire New Hampshire
New historicism New Historicism
New Horizons New Horizons
New Ireland New Ireland
New Jersey New Jersey
New Jersey Devils New Jersey Devils
New Jersey Nets New Jersey Nets
New Kids on the Block New Kids on the Block
New Mexico New Mexico
New Orleans New Orleans
New Orleans Saints New Orleans Saints
New South Wales New South Wales
New urbanism New urbanism
New Wave of British Heavy Metal New Wave of British Heavy Metal
New York New York
New York City Marathon New York City Marathon
New York City Police Department New York City Police Department
New York City Subway New York City Subway
New York Giants New York Giants
New York Islanders New York Islanders
New York Jets New York Jets
New York Knicks New York Knicks
New York Mets New York Mets
New York Minute New York Minute
New York Philharmonic New York Philharmonic
New York Post New York Post
New York Public Library New York Public Library
New York Rangers New York Rangers
New York Stock Exchange New York Stock Exchange
New York Trilogien The New York Trilogy
New York University New York University
New York Yankees New York Yankees
New Zealand New Zealand
New Zealands nationalvåben Coat of arms of New Zealand
Newark Newark
Newcastle Newcastle
Newcastle-upon-Tyne Newcastle upon Tyne
Newfoundland Newfoundland
Newfoundland og Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador
Newfoundlænder Newfoundland
Newport Newport
Newport Tower Newport Tower
News Corporation News Corporation
News of the World News of the World
Newsboys Newsboys
Newsweek Newsweek
Newton Newton
Newtonmeter Newton metre
Newzealandske dollar New Zealand dollar
Nexhmije Hoxha Nexhmije Hoxha
NF-Board Nouvelle Fédération-Board
NFL National Football League
Nguyễn Văn Thiệu Nguyễn Văn Thiệu
Ngô Đình Diệm Ngo Dinh Diem
ni nine
Niacin Niacin
Niagaravandfaldene Niagara Falls
Niamey Niamey
Nias Nias
Nibe Kommune Nibe
Nibelungenlied Nibelungenlied
Nibelungens Ring Der Ring des Nibelungen
NIC-lande Newly industrialized country
Nicaragua Nicaragua
Nicaraguasøen Lake Nicaragua
Niccolò Machiavelli Niccolò Machiavelli
Niccolò Paganini Niccolò Paganini
Nice Nice
Nice-traktaten Treaty of Nice
Niche Ecological niche
Nichiren Daishonin Nichiren
Nick Cave Nick Cave
Nick Drake Nick Drake
Nick Lachey Nick Lachey
Nick Mason Nick Mason
Nick Park Nick Park
Nick Willis Nick Willis
Nickerie Nickerie District
Nicki Sørensen Nicki Sørensen
Nicklas Bendtner Nicklas Bendtner
Nicklas Lidström Nicklas Lidström
Nicko McBrain Nicko McBrain
Nico Christ Nico Christ
Nicobarerne Nicobar Islands
Nicodemus Tessin den yngre Nicodemus Tessin the Younger
Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard Nikolaj Abraham Abildgaard
Nicolas Anelka Nicolas Anelka
Nicolas Cage Nicolas Cage