Danske Engelsk
småbarn toddler
Småbladet Elm Field Elm
Småbladet Lind Tilia cordata
Småborgerlig House of Borghese
småfisk fishy
Småland Småland
småplanet asteroid
smøg smoke
Smøla Smøla
smølf smurf
Smølferne The Smurfs
smør butter
Smørelse Lipid
smøremiddel lubricant
snabel trunk
snabel-a at sign
snabeldyr proboscidean
Snackbar Snackbar
Snake Jailbird Snake Jailbird
Snake River Snake River
Snakefinger Snakefinger
snakke chat
snaksomhed talkativeness
Snaphane Snapphane
snaps schnapps
snarere if
snart soon
Snavse til Soil
sne snow
sneblind snow-blind
snebold snowball
sneboldkamp snowball fight
Snebolle Viburnum
Snebær Symphoricarpos
snedig artful
snedrive snowdrift
Snedronningen The Snow Queen
Sneedronningen The Snow Queen
snefane snowdrift
Sneferu Sneferu
Sneflokketræ Chionanthus
snefnug snowflake
snegl snail
snegle gastropod
sneglefart snail's pace
Snegleglente Snail Kite
Snehare Mountain Hare
Snehvide Snow White
Snehvide og de syv små dværge Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
snekanon snowblower
Snekke Worm
snekugle snow globe
sneleopard snow leopard
Snellen-tavle Snellen chart
snemand snowman
Sneppefugle Scolopacidae
Snerle Calystegia
Snerle-familien Convolvulaceae
Snerre Galium
Snerresværmer Hyles gallii
sneskred snowslide
sneslynge snowblower
snespurv snow bunting
snestorm snowstorm
sneugle snowy owl
snigmorder assassin
Snillfjord Snillfjord
snob snob
snobbet snobby
snog grass snake
snoge colubrid
Snooker Snooker
Snoop Dogg Snoop Dogg
Snorbølger Vibrating string
snorkel snorkel
Snorri Sturluson Snorri Sturluson
snu shrewd
snu som en ræv sly as a fox
snubletråd tripwire
snude nose
Snudebiller Curculionidae
Snurre Snup Bugs Bunny
snurretop spinning top
snusk squalor
snyde tamper
Snydekoder Cheat code
Snylter Parasitism
Snåsa Snåsa
snæver narrow
snørebånd shoelace
snørliv corset
So You Think You Can Dance So You Think You Can Dance
Sobek Sobek
Soca Soca music
Soche Yarkand County
Sochi Sochi
social adfærd social behaviour
Social integration Social integration
social sikring social protection
Socialantropologi Ethnology
Socialdemokraterne Swedish Social Democratic Party
Socialdemokratiet Social Democrats
socialdemokratisme social democracy
Sociale ydelser Health Service
Socialfobi Social anxiety
socialforsorg social welfare
socialisme socialism
Socialist Party of America Socialist Party of America
Socialistisk Arbejderparti Socialist Workers Party
Socialistisk Internationale Socialist International
Socialkonservatisme Social conservatism
Socialkonstruktionisme Social constructionism
Socialliberalisme Social liberalism
socialmedicin environmental health
socialpsykologi social psychology
socialt boligbyggeri low-cost housing
socialundersøgelse social survey
Societa Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri Society
Society Company
Socinianisme Socinianism
sociolingvistik sociolinguistics
sociologi sociology
socioøkonomisk socio-economic
socioøkonomisk aspekt af boligbebyggelse socioeconomic aspect of human settlements
sod soot
Sodaurt Salsola
sodavand soda pop
sodavand med ingefærsmag ginger beer
Sodfarvet terne Sooty Tern
Sodoma og Gomorra Sodom and Gomorrah
sofa couch
Sofia Sofia
Sofia af Minsk Sofia of Minsk
Sofia Coppola Sofia Coppola
Sofia Gubaidulina Sofia Gubaidulina
Sofia Magdalena af Danmark Sophia Magdalena of Denmark
Sofie Sophia
Sofiero Slot Sofiero
Sofija Sofia
Sofisme Sophism
Sofokles Sophocles
Soft Gun Airsoft guns
Softball Softball
Softcore porno Softcore
Softgun Airsoft guns
Softimage XSI Softimage XSI
software software
Software Development Kit Software development kit
Software Synthesizer Software synthesizer
Softwarepatent Software patent
Softwarestyret radio Software-defined radio
Softwareudviklingsproces Software development process
Sogn og Fjordane Sogn og Fjordane
Sogndal Sogndal
Sognefjorden Sognefjord
Soho Soho
soja soy sauce
Sojabønne Soybean
sojasauce soy sauce
sojasovs soy sauce
Sojourner Truth Sojourner Truth
Sojuz Soyuz spacecraft