Søgeord Apoplex gav 2 resultater
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DE Tysk DA Danske
Apoplex (n v) [loss of brain function arising when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly interrupted] (n v) slagtilfælde (n v) {n} [loss of brain function arising when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly interrupted]
Apoplex (n v) [loss of brain function arising when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly interrupted] (n v) apopleksi (n v) [loss of brain function arising when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly interrupted]

Tysk Danske oversættelser

DE Synonymer for apoplex DA Oversættelser
Angriff [Anfall] m aggression (n)
Sturm [Anfall] m kuling (n)
Schlaganfall [Anfall] m slagtilfælde {n}
Vorstoß [Anfall] (m Slagtilfæld
Ansturm [Anfall] m Skubbe
Schock [Anfall] m Shock
Diskriminierung [Affront] f Diskrimination
Erniedrigung [Affront] f fornedrelse
Verleumdung [Affront] f bagvaskelse (n v)
Geringschätzung [Affront] f foragt (n v)
Schlag [Apoplexie] m Art
Hirnschlag [Apoplexie] slagtilfælde {n}