Søgeord brand gav 7 resultater
DA Danske DE Tysk
brand (n v) [occurrence of fire in a certain place] Brand (n v) {m} [occurrence of fire in a certain place]
brand Feuer {n}
brand (n v) [occurrence of fire in a certain place] Feuer (n v) {n} [occurrence of fire in a certain place]
brand Brand {m}
DE Tysk DA Danske
Brand {m} brand
Brand (n v) [occurrence of fire in a certain place] {m} brand (n v) [occurrence of fire in a certain place]
Brand {m} ild

Tysk Danske oversættelser

DE Synonymer for brand DA Oversættelser
Feuer [Feuersbrunst] n light
Flamme [Feuersbrunst] f flame
Feuersturm [Feuersbrunst] m Firestorm
Flammenmeer [Feuersbrunst] n inferno
Flammensäule [Feuersbrunst] pillar of flames
Schadenfeuer [Feuersbrunst] destructive fire
Gangrän [Gewebstod] f gangrene
Bleichsucht [Pflanzenkrankheit] f etiolation (n)
Pflanzenkrankheit [Pflanzenkrankheit] plant disease
Feuerung [Heizung] f (Mar fuel
Riesendurst [Durst] terrific thirst
Verlangen [Bedürfnis] n hankering (informal)
Lust [Bedürfnis] f wish
Drang [Bedürfnis] m urge
Begehren [Bedürfnis] n wish
Gier [Bedürfnis] (f cupidity
Begierde [Bedürfnis] f craving
Durst [Bedürfnis] m thirst
Appetit [Bedürfnis] m appetite
Ofen [Heizanlage] m kiln