Søgeord derfor gav 13 resultater
DA Danske DE Tysk
derfor (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] also (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]
derfor (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] daher (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]
derfor (adv) [consequently; by consequence] deswegen (adv) [consequently; by consequence]
derfor (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] deswegen (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]
derfor (adv) [consequently; by consequence] deshalb (adv) [consequently; by consequence]
DA Danske DE Tysk
derfor (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] deshalb (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]
derfor (adv) [consequently; by consequence] darum (adv) [consequently; by consequence]
derfor (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] darum (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]
derfor (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] demzufolge (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]
derfor (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] somit (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]
derfor (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] demnach (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]
derfor (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] mithin (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]
derfor (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] sonach (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]