Søgeord Unfall gav 8 resultater
DE Tysk DA Danske
Unfall {m} uheld
Unfall (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences] {m} uheld (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences]
Unfall (n) [transport: unintended event that causes damage] {m} ulykke (n) [transport: unintended event that causes damage] (n)
Unfall (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences] {m} ulykke (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences] (n)
Unfall (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences] {m} ulykkestilfælde (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences] (n)
DE Tysk DA Danske
Unfall (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences] {m} tilfælde (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences] (n)
Unfall (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences] {m} tilfældighed (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences] (n)
Unfall {m} Hændeligt uheld

Tysk Danske oversættelser

DE Synonymer for unfall DA Oversættelser
Last [Unglück] f carga {f}
Drama [Unglück] n obra teatral {f}
Prüfung [Unglück] f examen {m}
Unglück [Unglück] n desgracia {f}
Mühe [Unglück] f esfuerzo {m}
Pech [Unglück] n desgracia {f}
Desaster [Unglück] n desastre {m}
Zusammenstoß [Unglück] m choque {m}
Melancholie [Unglück] f melancolía {f}
Unheil [Unglück] (n calamidad {f}
Tragik [Unglück] f Tragedia
Qual [Unglück] f dolor {m}
Plage [Unglück] f azote {m}
Gram [Unglück] m aflicción {f}
Geißel [Unglück] f azote {m}
Pein [Unglück] (f dolor (m)
Bescherung [Unglück] (f sorpresa desagradable {f}
Missgeschick [Unglück] n desventura {f}
Ungemach [Unglück] n molestia {f}
Katastrophe [Unglück] f desastre {m}