Danske Engelsk
bidirektional bidirectional
Bidrag Give-up
bidrage contribute
bidragsyder contributor
bidragyder contributor
bidsel bridle
Biedermeier Biedermeier
Bielbog Belobog
Bielefeld Bielefeld
bier bee
bifangst by-catch
Biffeche Biffeche
Biflod Tributary
Bifobi Biphobia
Bifrost Bifröst
Big Bang Big Bang
Big Bang-nukleosyntese Big Bang nucleosynthesis
Big Ben Clock Tower
Big Brother Big Brother
Big Crunch Big Crunch
Big Mac Big Mac
Big Mac index Big Mac Index
Big Rip Big Rip
Big Show Paul Wight
bighornfår bighorn sheep
Bignoniaceae Bignoniaceae
Bihar Bihar
Bihari Bihari languages
Bihor Bihor County
Bijeljina Bijeljina
Bijelo Polje Bijelo Polje
Bikini Bikini
Bikini-atollen Bikini
Biksemad Pyttipanna
bikube beehive
bil car
Bilabial Bilabial consonant
bilateral bilateral
bilateral konvention bilateral convention
Bilateria Bilateria
Bilbao Bilbao
Bilbo Sækker Bilbo Baggins
Bild-Zeitung Bild-Zeitung
Bilderberggruppen Bilderberg Group
bildæk car tyre
bilindustri automobile industry
bilindustrien motor vehicle industry
bilkø tailback
Bill Bruford Bill Bruford
Bill Clinton Bill Clinton
Bill Evans Bill Evans
Bill Gates Bill Gates
Bill Kaulitz Bill and Tom Kaulitz
Bill Monroe Bill Monroe
Bill Murray Bill Murray
Bill Ward Bill Ward
Bill Watterson Bill Watterson
billard billiards
billardbord billiard table
bille beetle
billede picture
Billedediting Photo editing
billedfiltrering image filtering
billedforbedring image enhancement
billedhugger sculptor
Billedhuggerværkstedet Sculptor
billedklassifikation image classification
Billedmanipulation Digital image editing
billedregistrering image registration
Billedstabilisering Image stabilization
biller beetle
billet ticket
billetkontor ticket office
Billie Holiday Billie Holiday
Billie Joe Armstrong Billie Joe Armstrong
billig cheap
billigt cheaply
Billingsmetoden Billings ovulation method
Billund Billund
Billund Kommune Billund
Billund Lufthavn Billund Airport
Billy Idol Billy Idol
Billy Joel Billy Joel
Billy Kidman Peter Gruner
Billy Preston Billy Preston
Billy the Kid Billy the Kid
Billy Wilder Billy Wilder
Billy Zane Billy Zane
bilpark car park
Bilskirner Bilskirnir
Bilvej Freeway
Bindal Bindal
Bindebue Tie
bindemiddel adhesive
bindeord conjunction
bindevæv connective tissue
Bindingsværk Timber framing
Bingen am Rhein Bingen am Rhein
Bingen Fernández Bingen Fernández
bingospil bingo
Binyre Adrenal gland
Binært præfiks Binary prefix
bio cinema
Bio-chip Biochip
Bioaffald Biodegradable waste
bioakkumulation bioaccumulation
bioakkumulerende forurenende stof bioaccumulative pollutant
bioakkumulerende forurener bioaccumulative pollutant
biobrændsel biofuel
biocid biocide
biocønose biocoenosis
biodiversitet biodiversity
Biodynamik Biodynamic agriculture
bioetik bioethics
biofysik biophysics
biogas biogas
biogeografi biogeography
biogeografiske områder biogeographical region
biogeokemisk kredsløb biogeochemical cycle
biogisk værdi biological heritage
biograf cinema
biograffilm cinematographic film
Biografi Biography
biokemi biochemistry
biokemiker biochemist
biokemisk metode biochemical method
biokemiske processer biochemical process
biokemiske stoffer biochemical substance
bioklimatologi bioclimatology
biokoncentrationsfaktor bioconcentration factor
biologi biology
biologisk affaldsbehandling biological waste treatment
biologisk analyse biological analysis
biologisk egenskab biological attribute
biologisk filtrering biofiltration
biologisk forurening biological pollution
biologisk indikator biological indicator
biologisk kredsløb biological cycle
biologisk landbrug organic farming
biologisk monitering biological monitoring
biologisk nedbrydelighed biodegradability
biologisk nedbrydeligt forurenende stof biodegradable pollutant
biologisk produktion biological production
biologisk rensning af røggas biological waste gas purification
biologisk reservat biological reserve
Biologisk samvirke Biological interaction
biologisk skadedyrsbekæmpelse biological pest control
biologisk spildevandsrensning biological wastewater treatment
biologisk teknik biological engineering
biologisk test biological test
biologisk udvikling biological development
biologisk vandbalance biological water balance
biologisk virkning af forurening biological effect of pollution
biologiske processer biological process
biologiske ressourcer biological resource
biologiske våben biological weapon
bioluminescens bioluminescence
biom biome
biomasse biomass
biomasse-energi biomass energy
biomassebrændstof biofuel
biomedicin biomedicine
biomedicinsk biomedical
biometrisk biometric
Biometrisk information Biometrics
Biopsi Biopsy
biord adverb
bioreaktor bioreactor
biorytme biorhythm
biosfære biosphere
biosfære-reservat biosphere reserve
biosikkerhed biosafety
biosyntese biosynthesis
bioteknologi biotechnology
biotilgængelighed bio-availability
biotisk biotic
biotisk faktor biotic factor
biotisk indeks biotic index
biotop biotope
biotopbeskyttelse biotope protection
biotopklasse biotope order
biotopnet biotope network
biotoptab loss of biotope
biovidenskaber life science
Bioætanol Ethanol fuel
bipolar bipolar
Bipolar transistor Bipolar junction transistor
bipolær bipolar
bipolær affektiv sindslidelse bipolar disorder
biprodukt by-product
Birger Brosa Birger Brosa
Birger Jarl Birger jarl
Birger Magnusson af Sverige Birger of Sweden
Birgit Nilsson Birgit Nilsson
Birgitta af Vadstena Bridget of Sweden
Birgitte Bridget
Birgittinerordenen Bridgettines
birk birch
Birka Birka
Birkat hammazon Birkat Hamazon
Birke-familien Betulaceae
Birkebeinerne Birkebeiner
Birkenes Birkenes
Birkerød Kommune Birkerød
Birmingham Birmingham
Birobidzjan Birobidzhan
Birthe Wilke Birthe Wilke
bisamrotte muskrat
Biscayabugten Bay of Biscay
Biseksualitet Bisexuality
Bisho Bhisho