Danske Engelsk
IMF International Monetary Fund
Imhotep Imhotep
Immanuel Kant Immanuel Kant
Immaterialret Intellectual property
immission immission
immission af forurenende stoffer pollutant immission
immissionsbelastning immission load
immissionsgrænse immission limit
immissionskontrol immission control
immissionsprognose immission forecast
immissionsskade immission damage
immobilisering af forurenende stoffer pollutant immobilisation
immunanalyse immunoassay
Immunforsvar Immune system
immunitet immunity
immunologi immunology
immunsygdom immunological disease
immunsystem immune system
Imnos is tin Eleftherian Hymn to Liberty
imorgen tomorrow
IMovie IMovie
impaktor impactor
Impedans Electrical impedance
Imperia Imperia
Imperialisme Imperialism
Imperium Empire
Implikatur Implicature
Importere Matter
importlicens import licence
Impotens Erectile dysfunction
Impressionisme Impressionism
imprægneret waterproof
imprægnering impregnation
imprægneringsmiddel impregnating agent
Impuls Momentum
Impulsmoment Angular momentum
impulsstøj impulsive noise
Imre Kertész Imre Kertész
In Admit to be
In case of emergency In case of emergency
In the Court of the Crimson King In the Court of the Crimson King
In the Zone In the Zone
in vitro-analyse in vitro assay
in vivo-analyse in vivo assay
In-Band On-Channel DAB In-band on-channel
Inanimate Carbon Rod Deep Space Homer
Inc. Nike
Incest Incest
Incheon Incheon
Incheon International Airport Incheon International Airport
ind- og udåndingsluft respiratory air
Indadvendte brystvorter Inverted nipple
Indavlsdepression Inbreeding depression
indbegrebet epitome
indberetning til ministeren report to the minister
indberetningsproces reporting process
indbildning delusion
Indblanding Interference
indbrud break-in
indbyggere inhabitant
indbygget built-in
indbyrdes modstridende anvendelse conflicting use
indbyrdes modstridende målsætninger conflict of aims
inddeling i masker gridding
indeklima indoor environment
indeklimasyndrom sick building syndrome
indeks index
indeksering af dokumentation indexing of documentation
inden den udsen end-of-pipe technology
indendørs forurening indoor air pollution
indendørsstøj domestic noise
indenlandsk teknologi indigenous technology
indenlandsk vandring internal migration
indenlandske kundskaber indigenous knowledge
indenrigshandel domestic trade
Independence I-kulturen Independence I culture
Inderbark Vascular cambium
Inderøy Inderøy
indeslutning containment
indfatning rim
Indfødt Aborigine
Indfødt amerikaner Native Americans in the United States
indføring af dyrearter introduction of animal species
indføring af plantearter introduction of plant species
indførsel import
indgifte endogamy
indgriben i natur og landskab intervention in nature and landscape
indgriben på land intervention on land
indgå i enter
indholdsfortegnelse index
Indiaca Peteca
Indian Airlines Indian Airlines
Indian Removal Act Indian Removal Act
Indiana Indiana
Indianapolis Indianapolis
Indianapolis Colts Indianapolis Colts
Indianer Indian
Indianeren Indian
Indianerne Cheyenne Autumn
Indianerterritoriet Indian Territory
Indien India
Indiens deling Partition of India
Indiens flag Flag of India
Indiens nationale sprog Official languages of India
Indigo-slægten Indigofera
indikator indicator