Søgeord samler gav 6 resultater
DA Danske FR Fransk
samler (n) [person who gathers things] (n) glaneur (n) {m} [person who gathers things]
samler (n) [person who gathers things] (n) cueilleur (n) {m} [person who gathers things]
samler (n) [person or thing that collects] (n) collectionneur (n) {m} [person or thing that collects]
samler (n) [person or thing that collects] (n) collectionneuse (n) {f} [person or thing that collects]
samler (n) [person who gathers things] (n) ramasseur (n) [person who gathers things] (n)
DA Danske FR Fransk
samler (n) [person who gathers things] (n) ramasseuse (n) [person who gathers things] (n)