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आप कहाँ रहते हैं_ (phrase) [where do you live?] (phrase) hvor bor du_ (phrase) [where do you live?] (phrase)

HI DA Oversættelser for आप

आप (āp) I
आप (pronoun determiner) [subject pronoun: the group being addressed] (āp) I (pronoun determiner) [subject pronoun: the group being addressed]
आप (āp) jer
आप (pronoun determiner) [object pronoun: the group being addressed] (āp) jer (pronoun determiner) [object pronoun: the group being addressed]
आप (pronoun determiner) [subject pronoun: the group being addressed] (āp) jer (pronoun determiner) [subject pronoun: the group being addressed]
आप (āp) du
आप (pronoun determiner) [subject pronoun: the person being addressed] (āp) du (pronoun determiner) [subject pronoun: the person being addressed]
आप (āp) vand
आप (āp) De
आप (pronoun determiner) [subject pronoun: the person being addressed] (āp) De (pronoun determiner) [subject pronoun: the person being addressed]

HI DA Oversættelser for कहाँ

कहाँ (kahā̃) hvor
कहाँ (conj adv pronoun n) [at what place; to what place; from what place] (kahā̃) hvor (conj adv pronoun n) [at what place; to what place; from what place]

HI DA Oversættelser for हैं