Søgeord stå gav 7 resultater
DA Danske IT Italiensk
stå (v n) [to remain motionless] stare fermo (v n) [to remain motionless]
stå (v n) [to remain motionless] sostare (v n) [to remain motionless]
stå stare in piedi
stå (v n) [to support oneself on the feet in an erect position] stare in piedi (v n) [to support oneself on the feet in an erect position]
IT Italiensk DA Danske
sta (determiner adv pronoun) [the (thing) here] dette (determiner adv pronoun) [the (thing) here]
sta er
sta (determiner adv pronoun) [the (thing) here] denne (determiner adv pronoun) [the (thing) here] (determiner adv pronoun)