Søgeord bog gav 8 resultater
DA Danske PL Polsk
bog książka {f}
bog (n v) [collection of sheets of paper bound together containing printed or written material] książka (n v) {f} [collection of sheets of paper bound together containing printed or written material]
bog księga {f}
bog (n v) [collection of sheets of paper bound together containing printed or written material] księga (n v) {f} [collection of sheets of paper bound together containing printed or written material]
PL Polsk DA Danske
Bóg {m} Gud
Bóg (proper) [impersonal, universal, spiritual presence] {m} Gud (proper) [impersonal, universal, spiritual presence]
Bóg (proper) [omnipotent being] {m} Gud (proper) [omnipotent being]
Bóg (proper) [single deity of monotheism] {m} Gud (proper) [single deity of monotheism]

Polsk Danske oversættelser

PL Synonymer for bog DA Oversættelser
Jahwe [bóg w religii monoteistycznej] m Tetragrammaton
Allah [bóg w religii monoteistycznej] m Allah
Pan [bóg w religii monoteistycznej] m De
Bóg Ojciec [Pan Bóg] Gud Fader