Søgeord bàn cờ gav 2 resultater
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VI Vietnamesisk DA Danske
bàn cờ skakbræt
bàn cờ (n) [square board used in the game of chess] skakbræt (n) [square board used in the game of chess]

VI DA Oversættelser for bàn

bàn bord {n}
bàn (n v) [item of furniture] bord (n v) {n} [item of furniture]

VI DA Oversættelser for cờ

cờ flag {n}
cờ (n v) [piece of cloth or often its representation] flag (n v) {n} [piece of cloth or often its representation]
cờ fane
cờ (n v) [piece of cloth or often its representation] fane (n v) [piece of cloth or often its representation]
cờ banner
cờ (n adj) [flag] banner (n adj) [flag]
cờ (n adj) [large sign] banner (n adj) [large sign]
cờ (n adj) [principal standard of a knight] standart (n adj) [principal standard of a knight] (n adj)
cờ (n adj) [principal standard of a knight] rytterfane (n adj) [principal standard of a knight] (n adj)